Snappys Express Car Wash - Starke

Snappys Express Car Wash - Starke is a ±7.21 acre parcel located in Starke, FL for a carwash with drive isles, vacuum spaces, driveway connection to US 301, wet stormwater management facility, and utility service connections (water meter, sewer lift station, ). GmuerEng designed the site plan, permitted the site plan with regulatory agencies (Bradford County Site Plan, City Utility Department, FDOT Driveway, FDOT Drainage, FDOT Utility ROW Use, and the Suwannee River Water Management District), and supplied site plans for construction.

Ellianos Ocala Maricamp Rd

This Ellianos coffee is proposed on a ±1.56 ac property located east on Maricamp Rd in Ocala, FL. The project includes an ±800 sf free standing dual drive through building with associated parking lot, driveway connection to Maricamp Rd SR464, stormwater management facility, and utility service connections (meter for potable water, wastewater lateral) only minor off-site utility extensions. GmuerEng designed the site plan, permit the site plan with regulatory agencies (City of Ocala, Ocala Utilities, FDOT Driveway, FDOT Drainage, and the St Johns River Water Management District), and supplied site plans for construction.

Whittles Mini Storage

The project proposed to expand the existing mini-storage facility located in Newberry, FL by constructing three mini-storage buildings with drive isles and stormwater management facility. GmuerEng designed the site plan, permitted the site plan with regulatory agencies (City of Newberry and the Suwannee River Water Management District, FDOT Drainage, FDOT Driveway), and supplied site plans for construction.

Miller Electric Gainesville

Miller Electric wanted to start a Gainesville warehouse and remodel an existing building located at 4800 SW 13th St, Gainesville, FL 32608. In order to use the site, a rezoning of the property to a planned development was required with approval by the County Commission. Site improvements consisted of a loading dock addition to the building, a drive isle to and around the loading dock, turn-around accommodations for a semi-truck and associated minor stormwater management facility modifications. Gmuer Engineering, LLC (GmuerEng) completed the design of the site plan, permitting of the site plan with regulatory agencies (Alachua County, GRU, and the St Johns River Water Management District), and supply site plans for construction.

Dunkin Sorrento

North Central Baptist Church Lobby Addition

We were glad to be a design partner on new open concept lobby for the North Central Baptist Church. The 2,500 sf addition adds tons of character and community space. We worked closely with Brame Heck Architects, Campbell Spellicy Engineering, Miller Engineering, and the contractor, Foresight Construction Group!

9th Ave MiniStorage

A great Mini-Storage project north of Keystone Heights along SR100

Victory Springs Independent Baptist Church

1908 Grand Weddings and Events

Come see the new 1908 Grand - Gainesville’s amazing event venue in one of its most historic buildings. Originally built in 1908 with a full restoration to its original grandeur! GmuerEng helped by designing the site plan to accommodate a rear building addition for added elevator and bathrooms, on-street pull off for guests arriving at the site, courtyard, sod, and infrastructure such as an underground stormwater management facility. Each room is filled with historic woodwork, chandeliers, character.

Rising Star Academy

It was great to help Rising Star Academy on Waldo Rd expand into a great new building with required site improvements. Thanks to Shatkin Architecture, O'Steen Bros. Inc, Whitehurst Paving, Florida Green Keepers, Knapp Surveying, Mosley Construction