Martin Orthodontist Office in Lake City

This project began with a great team in 2016. Their practice caters to children and strives to be parent friendly. The theme is unique and is a great feature toward this goal. They wished to build a new building in Lake City on a 1.106 acre site consisted of Lots 9 & 10 of the Perimeter Park commercial subdivision. The lots were served by a master stormwater facility and access to a driveway from SR47 with an existing directional median opening. The design consisted of a 6,800 GFA building with associated parking lot, driveway connections, and utility service connections and grading to avoid pipes and concrete inlets. Permitting was completed with Lake City.

Chi Omega Building Additions and Courtyard

Chi Omega is a sorority at the University of Florida which wanted to construct the building addition to remodel the kitchen, expand the dining room and house mother suite, add additional bedrooms, etc for approximately 2,400 SF of additional GFA. Exterior improvements include a seating wall and custom courtyard. The existing building was designed and constructed in the 1950's along with the land rights. To get permission for this project, Gmuer Engineering processed a deed revision with the State of Florida and UF along with committee reviews with the University of Florida for the project itself.

Design Team
Joyner Construction
Content Architecture & Interiors
Manley Design
Mitchell Gulledge Engineering
GSE Engineering & Consulting



Beach Place Retail - Neptune Beach

The project was constructed on a brownfield site for pesticides. Permitting through FDEP was required to provide a plan for isolating the contaminant and allow for redevelopment. The largest points of coordination with FDEP were utility installation trenches and the underground stormwater facility. It was critical that the contractor followed the brownfield construction requirements to the letter.

Project Info:
Architect: Donahue Architecture
Contractor: Crabtree Construction
Start: May 2016
End: December 2016

City of Neptune Beach
FL Dept of Env Protection (FDEP)
FL Dept of Transportation (FDOT)